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Ain't it Scary? Ainterviews - #1: Charles Rosenay on "Paul is Dead"

Welcome to our new mini-show "Ainterviews", where we, well, interview people!

On this first episode we check in with Charles Rosenay, who you may remember from our ParaConn special, about his thoughts on the "Paul is Dead" conspiracy theory that we investigated in our recent episode (#62).

Charles, along with being the founder of both ParaConn and Fright Haven, is also a Beatles expert - editor of Beatles fanmag "Good Day Sunshine", organizer of many Beatles conventions, and even host of tours to Liverpool to hit all the important Beatles spots.

We wanted to get his thoughts on this famous rock 'n roll conspiracy, and also spotlight his upcoming book, The Book of Top 10 Horror Lists, which includes input from Beatles luminaries like Pete Best, Julia Baird (John's sister), and Angie McCartney (Paul's stepmother).

Enjoy our exclusive Ainterview and sign up to access more at www.patreon.com/aintitscary!